Monday, December 21, 2020

winter trees


All the complicated details

of the attiring and

the disattiring are completed!

A liquid moon

moves gently among

the long branches.

Thus having prepared their buds

against a sure winter

the wise trees

stand sleeping in the cold.

—William Carlos Williams 


Tuesday, December 15, 2020



The practical aspect of the scientific ideal is revealed in the progress of modern science from the eighteenth century to the present day. Its essential stages are the discoveries and putting into man's service, successively, of steam, electricity and atomic energy. But as different as these appear to be, these discoveries are based only on a single principle, namely the principle of the destruction of matter, by which energy is freed in order to be captured anew by man so as to be put at his service.

It is so with the little regular explosions of petrol which produce the energy to drive a car. And it is so with the destruction of atoms, by means of the technique of neutron bombardment, which produces atomic energy. That it is a matter of coal, petrol, or hydrogen atoms, is not important; it is always a case of the production of energy as a consequence of the destruction of matter. For the practical aspect of the scientific ideal is the domination of Nature by means of putting into play the principle of destruction or death.

Imagine, dear Unknown Friend, efforts and discoveries in the opposite direction, the direction of construction or life. Imagine, not an explosion, but rather the blossoming out of a constructive "atomic bomb". It is not too difficult to imagine, because each little acorn is such a "constructive bomb" and the oak is only the visible result of the slow "explosion" —or blossoming out—of this "bomb". Imagine it, and you will have the ideal of the great work or the idea of the Tree of Life. The image itself of the tree comprises the negation of the technical and mechanical element. It is the living synthesis of celestial light and elements of that which descends from above and that which ascends from below.

Meditations on the Tarot


Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Blue Bouquet, excerpt


I thought that the world was a vast system of signs,
a conversation between giant beings.

My actions, the cricket's saw, the star's blink, were nothing but pauses and syllables, scattered phrases from that dialogue.

What word could it be, of which I was only a syllable?

Who speaks the word?

To whom is it spoken?

—Octavio Paz
Eliot Weinberger translation


Monday, December 7, 2020



Heaven and Earth are impartial;
they treat all of creation as straw dogs.
The Master doesn't take sides;
she treats everyone like a straw dog.

The space between Heaven and Earth is like a bellows;
it is empty, yet has not lost its power.
The more it is used, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you comprehend.

It is better not to speak of things you do not understand.

—Lao Tzu
from the Tao Te Ching
J. H. McDonald version


social life, excerpt


What I like about the trees is how
they do not talk about the failure of their parents
and what I like about the grasses is that
they are not grasses in recovery

and what I like about the flowers is
that they are not flowers in need of
empowerment or validation. They sway

upon their thorny stems
as if whatever was about to happen next tonight
was sure to be completely interesting.

—Tony Hoagland


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Everything is nothing, with a twist. —Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions


The great hat in the form of a lemniscate which the Magician wears, like his attitude of perfect ease, indicates this transposition. For the lemniscate (the horizontal eight; ∞) is not only the symbol of infinity, but also that of rhythm, of the respiration and circulation—it is the symbol of eternal rhythm or the eternity of rhythm. 

The Magician therefore represents the state of concentration without effort, i.e. the state of consciousness where the centre directing the will has “descended” (in reality it is elevated) from the brain to the rhythmic system, where the “oscillations of the mental substance” are reduced to silence and to rest, no longer hindering concentration.


All practical esotericism is founded on the following rule: it is necessary to be one in oneself (concentration without effort) and one with the spiritual world (to have a zone of silence in the soul) in order for a revelatory or actual spiritual experience to be able to take place. In other words, if one wants to practise some form of authentic esotericism—be it mysticism, gnosis, or magic—it is necessary to be the Magician, i.e. concentrated without effort, operating with ease as if one were playing, and acting with perfect calm. 

This, then, is the practical teaching of the first Arcanum of the Tarot. It is the first counsel, commandment or warning concerning all spiritual practice; it is the aleph of the “alphabet” of practical rules of esotericism. And just as all numbers are only aspects (multiples) of unity, so are all other practical rules communicated by the other Arcana of the Tarot only aspects and modalities of this basic rule.

—Valentin Tomberg
Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism

Card is from an antique French tarot deck known as “The Grand Etteilla.”‘Ette illa’, the reverse of his surname is the pseudonym of Jean-Baptiste Alliette, (1738 – 1791).


Sunday, November 8, 2020

a song for nobody


A yellow flower
(Light and spirit)
Sings by itself
For nobody.
A golden spirit
(Light and emptiness)
Sings without a word
By itself.
Let no one touch this gentle sun
In whose dark eye
Someone is awake.
(No light, no gold, no name, no color
And no thought:
O, wide awake!)
A golden heaven
Sings by itself
A song to nobody.

—Thomas Merton


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

no leaders, please


invent yourself and then reinvent yourself,
don't swim in the same slough.
invent yourself and then reinvent yourself
stay out of the clutches of mediocrity.

invent yourself and then reinvent yourself,
change your tone and shape so often that they can
categorize you.

reinvigorate yourself and
accept what is
but only on the terms that you have invented
and reinvented.

be self-taught.

and reinvent your life because you must;
it is your life and
its history
and the present
belong only to

—Charles Bukowski


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020

supposing i dreamed this)


supposing i dreamed this)
only imagine,when day has thrilled
you are a house around which
i am a wind-

your walls will not reckon how
strangely my life is curved
since the best he can do
is to peer through windows,unobserved

-listen,for(out of all
things)dream is noone’s fool;
if this wind who i am prowls
carefully around this house of you

love being such,or such,
the normal corners of your heart
will never guess how much
my wonderful jealousy is dark

if light should flower:
or laughing sparkle from
the shut house(around and around
which a poor wind will roam

–E. E. Cummings 


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

rest awhile



Rest awhile. 

Your unrest is the last cramp in your legs
as you climb this mountain. Rest awhile, if you like.

But do not return to your old house.
It is not your home any longer.



Monday, October 5, 2020

Taking Care of Anger | Thich Nhat Hanh (short teaching video)


What keeps us alive, what allows us to endure?
I think it is the hope of loving,
or being loved.

I heard a fable once about the sun going on a journey 
to find its source, and how the moon wept
without her lover's 
warm gaze.

We weep when light does not reach our hearts, We wither
like fields if someone close
does not rain their

—Meister Eckhart


Saturday, October 3, 2020

Listen, my friend, this road is the heart opening —Mirabai


There is a profound ground of unity that is more pertinent and authentic than all the unilateral dimensions of our lives. This we discover when we keep open the door of our heart. 
This is one’s ultimate responsibility, and it is not dependent upon whether the heart of another is kept open for us.

Howard Thurman
Stay Open

.    .    .

The heart breaks and breaks and lives by breaking
it is necessary to go through
dark and deeper dark
and not to turn 

—Stanley Kunitz
The Testing Tree

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

true nature

We are a wave appearing on the surface of the ocean. The body of a wave does not last very long - perhaps only ten to twenty seconds.

The wave is subject to beginning and ending, to going up and coming down. The wave may be caught in the idea that ‘I am here now, and I won’t be here later.’ And the wave may feel afraid or even angry.

But the wave also has her ocean body. She has come from the ocean, and she will go back to the ocean. She has both her wave body and her ocean body. She is not only a wave; she is also the ocean.

The wave does not need to look for a separate ocean body, because she is in this very moment both her wave body and her ocean body. As soon as the wave can go back to herself and touch her true nature, which is water, then all fear and anxiety disappear.

Thich Nhat Hanh


Friday, August 28, 2020

this is how the wind shifts


This is how the wind shifts:
Like the thoughts of an old human,
Who still thinks eagerly
And despairingly. 

The wind shifts like this:

Like a human without illusions,
Who still feels irrational things within her.

The wind shifts like this:

Like humans approaching proudly,
Like humans approaching angrily.

This is how the wind shifts:

Like a human, heavy and heavy,
Who does not care


—Wallace Stevens


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

listen ye children of immortal bliss


Discriminate between that which is ever-changing and that which is changeless.

The world comprises both.

Know this.

—Tripura Rahasya


Saturday, August 22, 2020



I am yours.

Don’t give myself back to me.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020

you are that

thanks bri

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

imagine this room with 30 or 40 people living and dying together ...



We live submerged at the bottom of an ocean
of the element air.

—Evangelista Torricelli
letter to Michelangelo Ricci, 1644


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

more than mirage


Although most are totally naked
and too scant for even the slightest
color and although they have no voice
that I’ve ever heard for cry or song, they are,
nevertheless, more than mirage, more
than hallucination, more than falsehood. 

They have confronted sulfuric
boiling black sea bottoms and stayed,
held on under ten tons of polar ice,
established themselves in dense salts
and acids, survived eating metal ions.
They are more committed than oblivion,
more prolific than stars. 

Far too ancient for scripture, each
one bears in its one cell one text—
the first whit of alpha, the first
jot of bearing, beneath the riling
sun the first nourishing of self. 

Too lavish for saints, too trifling
for baptism, they have existed
throughout never gaining girth enough
to hold a firm hope of salvation.
Too meager in heart for compassion,
too lean for tears, less in substance
than sacrifice, not one has ever
carried a cross anywhere. 

And not one of their trillions
has ever been given a tombstone.
I’ve never noticed a lessening
of light in the ceasing of any one
of them. They are more mutable
than mere breathing and vanishing,
more mysterious than resurrection,
too minimal for death.

—Pattiann Rogers
Address: The Archaeans, One Cell Creatures

Monday, May 25, 2020

a poet reflects


The sky said I am watching
to see what you
can make out of nothing
I was looking up and I said
I thought you
were supposed to be doing that

the sky said Many
are clinging to that
I am giving you a chance

I was looking up and I said
I am the only chance I have
then the sky did not answer

and here we are
with our names for the days
the vast days that do not listen to us

—W. S. Merwin


Friday, May 22, 2020

secrets of the spiritual life



What Goethe means by the Urpflanze is the dynamic unity of the coming-into-being of all plants as the self-differencing of One plant, which in therefore intensively multiple but appears to extensively as all the many different plants. 

What this means is that each plant is the Urpflanze being one possible mode of itself - the number of possibilities is indeterminate. Hence, paradoxically, it is everywhere visible and nowhere visible - although once we begin to think dynamically, this is no paradox at all. Instead of being separate from the many particular plants that we see, i.e., as 'the one over many', Goethe's Urpflanze is One which comes into concrete manifestation simultaneously with the many - with which it is identical because the many are now the self-differences of One. 
This is very different indeed from the two-world theory which separates the One from the many. There is no such dualism in Goethe's thinking, for which in his own words: 'The universal and the particular coincide: the particular is the universal, appearing under different conditions.'

—Henri Bortoft
Taking Appearance Seriously

source and image

Wednesday, May 20, 2020



... actually, climate change is a far more frightening thing right now than this pandemic. The pandemic will go away. It will not actually kill that many people, but if we don't address climate change with as much vigor as people are addressing this pandemic, the globe will heat up and we will reach a time, i don't know when, where basically everywhere is not habitable for humans.
Hopefully, this wakes us up a little bit.
We're vulnerable and we really need to learn to understand that we are part of the natural world, not separate from it.
And we rely on it for clean air, for clean water. We rely on the forest to regulate temperature and to regulate rainfall.
So, we've just got to start thinking differently.

possibly the most relevant post ever

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sunday, April 12, 2020



"Listen, shariputra,
form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
Form is not other than emptiness, emptiness is not other than form.
The same is true with feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness.

"Listen, shariputra, all dharmas are marked with emptiness.
They are neither produced or destroyed,
neither defiled or immaculate,
neither increasing or decreasing.

Therefore, in emptiness there is neither form, nor feeling, nor perceptions,
not mental formations, nor consciousness.
No eye, or ear, or nose, or tongue, or body, or mind.
No form, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no object of mind.
No realms of elements (from eyes to mind-consciousness),
no interdependent origins and no extinction of them
(from ignorance to death and decay).
no ill-being, no cause of ill-being, no end of ill-being, and no path.
No understanding and no attainment.

—Thich Nhat Hanh verion
from Awakening of the Heart
essential buddhist sutras and commentaries


Gate, Gate, Paragate, Para Sam gate Bodhi svaha

Gate, Gate, Paragate, Para Sam gate Bodhi svaha

Gate, Gate, Paragate, Para Sam gate Bodhi svaha

Gone, gone, gone all the way

all beings gone together

into the light inside!
