Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara,Sitting in the depth of knowledge,Lit with the glow of his wisdom five elementsAnd saw that all of them are empty.After this enlightenment he overcame the pain.Listen, Shariputra,Form - a void, emptiness - is the formForm - is nothing but emptiness,Void - it is nothing but a form.The same is true for the senses,Perceptions of mental activity and consciousness.Listen, Shariputra,All dharmas are empty properties.They do not create and are not exterminable,Are not dirty and are not cleaned,Do not grow or shrink.Hence, in the voidThere is no form, no feelings, no perceptions,No mental activity or consciousness.There is no dependent originationNo eyes, no ears, no nose,No tongue, no body, no mind.There is no form, no sound, no smell,No taste, no touch, no object of mind.No sphere of elements, ranging from eyeAnd the ending of consciousness.And it is not fading, from ignoranceAnd ending with death and decay.There is no source of suffering and misery,No Cessation of SufferingAnd there is no way to end suffering.There is no wisdom and no progress.Since there is no progress, all the Bodhisattvas,Relying on perfect wisdom,No obstacles are in your mind.With no obstacles, they overcome fear,Forever exempt from errorAnd reach true nirvana.Thanks to this perfect wisdom,All the Buddhas of the past, present and futureEnter into a full, true and total enlightenment.Therefore, to know that perfect wisdomExpressed unsurpassed mantra,The highest mantra, devastating sufferingPerfect and true.Hence, the mantra PrajnaparamitaMust be declared.Here is the mantra:Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.
—The Prajñāpāramitā, the Heart Sutra
History of the Universe