Sunday, April 7, 2024

Find God in yourself and yourself in God . —Teresa of Avila


In the depths of meditation, sages

Saw within themselves the Lord of Love,

Who dwells in the heart of every creature.

Deep in the hearts of all he dwells, hidden

Behind the manifestations of law, energy,

and inertia. He is One.

The world is the river of God,

Flowing from him and flowing back to him.

Those who perceive him in every creature

See that they are merged in him.

Wake up from this dream of separateness.

Know him to be enshrined in your heart always

As butter lies hidden in cream.

Truly there is nothing more in life to know.

Meditate and realize that you

are filled with the presence of God.

The Shvetashvatara Upanishad, lessons 
Eknath Easwaren version


Return the divine gaze, become its reflection. 

—2 Corinthians 3:18


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