Thursday, June 27, 2024

all living thought is a world in preparation


The Heart is the center of the Self and the Self is the center of centers. Just as the subtle force of electricity travels through wires and does many wonderful things, so too the Heart imparts sentience to the senses.

—Sri Ramana Maharshi


Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act. 
All living thought is a world in preparation; all real act is a thought manifested. The material world exists because an idea began to play in divine self–consciousness.

—Sri Aurobindo


The mind is like a river, flowing ceaselessly in the bed of the body; you identify yourself with some particular ripple and call it "my thought".  
All you are conscious of is your mind. 
Awareness is the cognizance of consciousness as a whole.

—Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


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