Saturday, June 22, 2024

Strange enlightenments are vouchsafed to those who seek the higher places. —Flann O'Brien



How, indeed, could it be possible for a man, who is limited on six sides—by east, west, south, north, deep, and sky—to understand a matter which is above the skies, which is beneath the deep, which stretches beyond north and south, and which is present in every place, and fills all vacuity?

—St. Gregory the Wonderworker (c. 213-268)


Your thinking that you have to make an effort to get rid of this dream of the waking state, and your making efforts to attain jnana (realization of Self) or real awakening, are all parts of the dream.

—Ramana Maharshi


Crimson gleams of Matter, gliding imperceptibly into the gold of Spirit, ultimately to become transformed into the incandescence of a universe that is person - and through all of this there blows, animating it and spreading over it a fragrant balm, a zephyr of union - and of the Feminine.

The diaphany of the Divine is at the heart of a glowing universe, as I have experienced it through contact with the earth - the divine radiating from depths of blazing matter.

[...] the world will open the arms of God to us. It is for us to throw ourselves into these arms so that the divine milieu should close around our lives like a circle.

—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The Divine Milieu



  1. yes, so thankful that these thoughts and words were saved.
    thankful for you, too :)
