Friday, August 9, 2024

(I am large. I contain multitudes.) —Walt Whitman



The secret teachings lead the pupil further. They teach him to look, with the same serene indifference, at the incessant working of his mind and the physical activity displayed by the body. He ought to succeed in understanding, in noting that nothing of all that is from him, is him. He, physically and mentally, is a multitude of others.

This "multitude of others" includes the material elements—the ground, one might say—which he owes to his heredity, his atavism, then those which he has ingested, which he has inhaled from before his birth, by the help of which his body was formed, and which, assimilated by him, have become, with the complex forces inherent in them, constituent parts of his being.

On the mental plane, this "multitude of others" includes many beings who are his contemporaries: people he consorts with, with whom he chats, whose actions he watches. Thus a continual inhibition is at work while the individual absorbs a part of the various energies given off by those with whom he is in contact, and these incongruous energies, installing themselves in that which he considers his "I", form there a swarming throng.

—Alexandra David-Néel
The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects


Celebration … is self-restraint, is attentiveness, is questioning, is meditating, is awaiting, is the step over into the more wakeful glimpse of the wonder – the wonder that a world is worlding around us at all, that there are beings rather than nothing, that things are and we ourselves are in their midst, that we ourselves are and yet barely know who we are, and barely know that we do not know this.

—Martin Heidegger


I need to be silent for a while. 

Worlds are forming in my heart.

—Meister Eckhart
Expands His Being
Daniel Ladinsky version


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