Sunday, August 4, 2024

I regard consciousness as fundamental, matter as derivative from consciousness. —Max Planck



Your mind is the knife that cuts the continuum of space and time into neat slices of linear experience.

. . . At this moment, you are seamlessly flowing with the cosmos. There is no difference between your breathing and the breathing of the rain forest, between your bloodstream and the world’s rivers, between your bones and the chalk cliffs of Dover.

—Deepak Chopra


For intervals, then, throughout our lives we savor a concurrence, the great blending of our chance selves with what sustains all chance. 

We ride the wave and are the wave.

And with renewed belief inner and outer we find our talk turned to prayer, our prayer into truth: for an interval, early, we become at home in the world.

—William Stafford


Take me to the other side of this night,

where I am you, we are us,

the kingdom where pronouns are intertwined

… and the sea sang with the murmur of light.

—Octavio Paz


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