Friday, August 30, 2024

Panic is the sudden realization that everything around you is alive. —William S. Burroughs



I am the thought that lives in the light.
I live in everyone, and I delve into them all...
I move in every creature...
I am the invisible one in all beings...
I am the voice speaking softly...
I am the real voice... the voice from the invisible thought...
It is a mystery... I cry out in everyone...
I hid myself in everyone, and revealed myself
within them, and every mind seeking me longs
for me...
I am she who gradually brought forth everything...
I am the image of the invisible spirit...
The mother, the light... the virgin… the womb, and the voice...
I put breath in all beings..

—Nag Hammadi Scrolls
from Why Religion, Elaine Pagels


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