Wednesday, August 14, 2024




Clouds form over North Africa. As the International Space Station orbited 259 miles above North Africa, swirls of clouds covered the sky. To the bottom right of the image, one of the station’s roll-out solar arrays peeks through. 

Astronauts aboard the space station see 16 sunrises and sunsets per day due to their high orbital velocity—17,500 miles per hour.
In the more than 20 years that people have been living aboard the station, it has circumnavigated Earth tens of thousands of times.
Nasa 2023


Here is what the sea smells like. It is more texture than scent, because the sea is primarily made of two substances that have no smell of their own: water and salt. Salt has no smell, but makes the air sting, and so all of the other smells of the sea are layered upon the pang of salt. 

Water has no smell but instead a comfort. We feel moisture as life and so the smells of the ocean are layered upon the contentment of the water. Salt is treble and water is bass. I don’t know how I know this is true, but I know it is true. 

The sea smells like old wood and wet leaves. Like cold mud and warm stone. Like every creature who has ever lived in it, a churning graveyard and nursery. Like winds from the inland carrying the hot circulation of life and winds from the ocean carrying the distant froth of waves against ships and islands. Like gray, only more so. Like blue, only less so.

—Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor


Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. 

Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

—Marcus Aurelius


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