Tuesday, August 13, 2024




By a ‘dream’ we mean something which is not real. What is Reality? That which does not disappear at any time. 

Now, what is there in the waking state that does not disappear? Nothing. Therefore, everything objective, connected with the waking state, is unreal. 

But what we have just called the unreal appears all the while. Yes. When the unreal appears as real we call it a dream. Therefore, the waking state is all a dream.

But there is one thing that does not disappear in any state – pure Consciousness, the Atma (Self).

—Sri Atmananda
Krishna Menon


One day she said, “Don’t you think rain is something that happens inside of us?” 

I didn’t understand, but I liked the thought. 

“If it’s raining for enough people, we see rain,” she explained. “Otherwise it’s not raining.”

—Amanda Michalopoulou
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