Wednesday, August 28, 2024

the drop that contains the sea



The fading away of the Tao is when openness turns into spirit, spirit turns into energy, and energy turns into form. When form is born, everything is thereby stultified. 

The functioning of the Tao is when form turns into energy, energy turns into spirit, and spirit turns into openness. When openness is clear, everything thereby flows freely.

Therefore ancient sages investigated the beginnings of free flow and stultification, found the source of evolution, forgot form to cultivate energy, forgot energy to cultivate spirit, and forgot spirit to cultivate openness. 

—Tan Jingsheng, 10th century
The Immortal Sisters: Secret Teachings of Taoist Women
Thomas Cleary


Man has no Body distinct from the Soul!
for that Body is a portion of the Soul
discerned by the five Senses,
the chief inlets to the Soul in this age.

Energy is the only life and is from the Body;
and reason is the bound or outward
circumference of energy. 

Energy is eternal delight.

—William Blake
18th century


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