Monday, August 19, 2024




Do not go about worshipping deities and religious institutions as the source of the subtle truth. To do so is to place intermediaries between yourself and the divine, and to make of yourself a beggar who looks outside for a treasure that is hidden inside his own breast. 
If you want to worship the Tao, first discover it in your own heart.
Then your worship will be meaningful.

—Hua Hu Ching


Moments, crumbs, fleeting configurations—no sooner have they come into existence than they fall to pieces. Life? There’s no such thing; I see lines, planes, and bodies, and they’re transformations in time. 

Time, meanwhile, seems a simple instrument for the measurement of tiny changes, a school ruler with a simplified scale—it’s just three points: was, is, and will be.

—Olga Tokarczuk


There is no alternative for you but to accept the world as unreal, 
if you are seeking the Truth and the Truth alone.

—Ramana Maharshi 


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