Thursday, September 5, 2024

inner light



No solid object is solid. It is made up of rapidly flashing packets of energy. Billions and trillions of packets of energy. They flash in and flash out of that space where the ‘object’ is. 
They do not just stay there. 
So, why does a human body or a car look like a solid continuous object when we now know that it is actually a rapidly flashing field of energy?

Think of a TV image. When you watch a movie, you see a person walk across the screen smoothly, yet in reality it is just a film reel with 24 slightly different frames a second so your eyes do not detect the gap between the frames. Even each of those frames is a composition of billions of light photons flashing at the speed of light. 
That is what your world is – a rapid flash that causes an illusion of being ‘solid’ and ‘continuous’.

Once you understand what your world is really, truly, you start to understand its true behavior and nature. 
You then change your view of it.

—David Cameron Gikandi


In the inmost of the smallest of all spaces
runs a mute and constant play of color, inaccessible to eyes.

It is the light shut in that once in the moment of creation
was born inward and abode there, going on, once it had broken 
up into the smallest of spectra in keeping with prismatic law at 
frequencies that by the sighted would be called colors
if they encountered eyes able to see.

It moved in periods unimaginably small for time and space
but still with time and space enough for the least of the small.
In fact it found it had ample room and time.

It moved in cycles of nanoseconds and microspaces
from white light and the colors of the spectrum and back to white light. A kind of breathing for light.

The photons breathed and pulsated with one another,
alternating signs and levels.

So the light kept going in spectral balance
from dense light to split and back to dense light and split,
in spectral cycles infinitely repeated.

It was like a play of fans,
in keeping with the same law that holds for rainbows,
but with spread and folded fans alternating with one another
in keeping with the law of light inscribed in them.

It was the light when it dances enclosed
when it is not traveling abroad and seen.

It belongs to the nature of light that it can be shut in and 
still not die out in its movement,
that it preserves itself thus in the darkness as thought, intent 
and aptitude, that it remembers its changes
and performs its dance, its interplay.

With this art the light keeps together the innumerable 
swarms of matter and sings with light's spectral wings the 
endless song in honor of the fullness of the world.

—Harry Martinson


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