Sunday, September 1, 2024

matter changes hands






Memory is an enduring pattern of motion, like the whirlpool, rather than an enduring substance, like a mirror, a wax tablet, or a sheet of paper. If memories are stored in neurons, there is no standing aside from the stream of events, for neurons flow along in the same stream as events outside the skull ... 
All our insides are outside, there in the physical world. But, conversely, the outside world has no color, shape, weight, heat, or motion without "inside" brains. It has these qualities only in relation to brains, which are, in turn, members of itself.

—Alan Watts
The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are


The cosmos is also within us. 

We are made of star-stuff. 

We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

—Carl Sagan


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