Friday, September 6, 2024

neti neti



The path of the Vedāntic discipline is the path of negation, "Neti", in which, by stern determination, all that is unreal is both negated and renounced. It is the path of jnāna, knowledge, the direct method of realizing the Absolute.

—Sri Ramakrishna



The Vedantins do not say that the world is unreal. 

That is a misunderstanding. If they did, what would be the meaning of the Vedantic text: ‘All this is Brahman’? 

They only mean that the world is unreal as world but real as Self. If you regard the world as non-self, it is not real. 

Everything, whether you call it illusion (Maya) or Divine Play (Lila) or Energy (Shakti) must be within the Self and not apart from it.

—Ramana Maharshi


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