Friday, September 20, 2024

there are no spaces




The world is the wheel of God, turning round

And round with all living creatures upon its rim.

The world is the river of consciousness,

Flowing in the one self.

On this ever-revolving wheel of being

The individual self goes round and round

Through life after life, believing itself

To be a separate creature, until

It sees its identity with the Lord of Love

Immortal in the indivisible whole.

—Svetashvatara [4-6] 



The self is the sun shining in the sky,

The wind blowing in space; we are the fire 

At the altar and in the home the guest;

We dwell as human beings, in gods, in truth,

And in the vast firmament; we are the fish

Born in water, the plant growing in the earth, 

The river flowing down from the mountain, 

We are incomparable.

—Katha 11.2.2


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