Sunday, January 12, 2025

all things are essentially empty



when practicing deeply the Prajna Paramita
perceives that all five skandhas are empty
and is saved from all suffering and distress.

form does not differ from emptiness,
emptiness does not differ from form.

That which is form is emptiness,
that which is emptiness form. 
The same is true of feelings,
perceptions, impulses, consciousness.

all dharmas are marked with emptiness;
they do not appear or disappear,
are not tainted or pure,
do not increase or decrease.

Therefore, in emptiness no form, no feelings,
perceptions, impulses, consciousness.

No eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind;
no color, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch,
no object of mind; no realm of eyes
and so forth until no realm of mind consciousness.

No ignorance and also no extinction of it,
and so forth until no old age and death
and also no extinction of them.

No suffering, no origination,
no stopping, no path, no cognition,
also no attainment with nothing to attain.

The Bodhisattva depends on Prajna Paramita
and the mind is no hindrance; 
without any hindrance no fears exist.

Heart Sutra 
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva


Heart Sutra Chant

ma ka han nya ha ra mi ta shin gyo

kan ji zai bo sa gyo jin han nya ha ra mi ta ji

sho ken go on kai ku do is-sai ku yaku 

sha ri shi shiki fu i ku ku fu i shiki

shiki soku ze ku ku soku ze shiki

ju so gyo shiki yaku bu nyo ze sha ri shi 

ze sho ho ku so fu sho fu metsu

fu ku fu jo fu zo fu gen ze ko ku chu mu shiki

mu ju so gyo shiki mu gen ni bi ze-shin ni

mu shiki sho ko mi soku ho mu gen kai

nai shi mu i shiki kai mu mu myo

yaku mu mu myo jin nai shi mu ro shi

yaku mu ro shi jin mu ku shu metsu do

mu chi yaku mu toku I mu sho toku ko

bo dai sat-ta e han nya ha ra mi ta ko

shin mu kei ge mu ke ge ko

mu u ku fu on ri is-sai ten do mu so

ku gyo ne han san ze sho butsu

e han-nya ha ra mi ta ko

toku a noku ta ra san myaku san bo dai

ko chi hannya ha ra mi ta

ze dai jin shu ze dai myo shu

ze mu jo shu ze mu to do shu

no jo is-sai ku shin jitsu fu ko

ko setsu han nya hara mi ta shu

soku setsu shu watsu

gya tei gya tei hara gya tei hara so gya tei

bo ji so wa ka hannya shin gyo 


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