Saturday, March 1, 2025

If thou but settest foot on this path, thou shalt see it everywhere. —Hermes Trismegistus



Leave it all behind you. Forget it.
Go forth, unburdened with ideas and beliefs.

Abandon all verbal structures, all relative truth, all tangible objectives.

—Nisargadatta Maharaj


Suppose that
everything that greens and grows
should blacken in one moment, flower and branch.
I think that I would find your blinded hand. 
Suppose that your hand and mine were lost among numberless cries
in a city of fire when the earth is afire,
I must still believe that I would find your blinded hand. 
Through flames everywhere
consuming earth and air
I must believe that somehow, if only one moment were offered,
I would
find your hand. 
I know as, of course, you know
the immeasurable wilderness that would exist
in the moment of fire.
But I would hear your cry and you’d hear mine and each of us
would find
the other’s hand. 
We know
that it might not be so.
But for this quiet moment, if only for this
and against all reason
let us believe, and believe in our hearts,
that somehow it would be so.
I’d hear your cry, you mine –
And each of us would find a blinded hand.

—Tennessee Williams
Your Blinded Hand



Perhaps the same bird echoed through both of us yesterday,

separate, in the evening.

—Rainer Maria Rilke


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