When a sensible man ceases to see different identities due to different material bodies and he sees how beings are expanded everywhere, he attains to the Brahman conception.
—Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita
When the beetle sees, it is I that am looking,
When the nightingale sings, it is I that am singing,
When the lion roars, it is I that am roaring.
But when I look for myself, I can see nothing --
for no thing is there to be seen.
Síle cannot see me either, for when she tries to see me it is
I who am looking: she can do nothing -- for only I can do anything.
The beetle can say that also, and Síle, for we are not three,
nor two, nor one.
I am the sea too, and the stars, the wind and the rain,
I am everything that has form -- for form is my seeing of it.
I am every sound -- for sound is my hearing of it,
I am all flavours, each perfume, whatever can be touched,
For that which is perceptible is my perceiving of it,
And all sentience is mine.
They have no other existence, and neither have I --
for what they are I am, and what I am they are.
What the universe is I am, and what I am the universe is.
And there is no other at all, nor any one whatsover.
—Wei Wu Wei
Open Secret
.Science of nature has one goal:
To find both manyness and whole.
Nothing 'inside' or 'Out There,'
The 'outer' world is all 'In Here.'
This mystery grasp without delay,
This secret always on display.
The true illusion celebrate,
Be joyful in the serious game!
No living thing lives separate:
One and Many are the same.
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(1749 - 1832).
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