Tuesday, December 12, 2023



dolphin eye


Everything that you see is this mind. All manifestation, all the past, the present and the future, all the gods, the heavens and the hells - all these things are mind. What a power this mind has! 
It will pretend to help you by giving you visions or pleasurable inner states, but it will do everything in its power to keep you away from that thought-free encounter with your own Self.



Though you may be spoken of, you have neither name nor form. 

Whether you are divided or undivided, there is nothing here but you. 

O mind, O shameless, wandering mind! Why do you weary yourself so? 

I am nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss; I am everywhere, like space.

You and I are not attached to this world of ephemeral forms; It is only the shameless mind which divides the One in parts. 

Division and non-division are the same to you and me; I am nectarean knowledge, unchanging bliss; I am everywhere, like space.

—The Song of the Avadhut



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