Wednesday, December 20, 2023

shanti, shanti, shanti



It is not the work that hinders (peace) but the idea that
it is you who are doing it.

—Sri Ramana Maharshi


When you see your own essence, when you have that direct experience, you will see that every plant and animal is your own Self. 
They will all start to speak to you. 
This is the formless Self in the Heart of all beings. 



Rest in peace.
You are the unchangeable Awareness in which all activity takes place.
Always rest in peace. 

You are eternal Being, unbounded and undivided. 
Just keep Quiet. All is well. Keep Quiet Here and Now. 

You are Happiness, you are Peace, you are Freedom. 
Do not entertain any notions that you are in trouble. 

Be kind to yourself. Open to your Heart and simply Be. 
Those who know This know Everything. 

If not, even the most learned know nothing at all.






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