Thursday, December 28, 2023

thinking of others


[Man] sees the morning as the beginning of a new day; he takes germination as the start in the life of a plant, and withering as its end. But this is nothing more than biased judgment on his part. 

Nature is one. There is no starting point or destination, only an unending flux, a continuous metamorphosis of all things.

—Masanobu Fukuoka


As you prepare breakfast, think of others
(do not forget the pigeon”s food)
As you wage your wars, think of others
(do not forget those who seek peace).
As you pay your water bill, think of others
(those who are nursed by clouds).
As you return home, to your home, think of others
(do not forget the people of the camps).
As you sleep and count the stars, think of others
(those who have nowhere to sleep).
As you express yourself in metaphor, think of others
(those who have lost the right to speak).
As you think of others far away, think of yourself
(say: If only I were a candle in the dark).

—Mahmoud Darwish
Think of Others


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