Friday, June 28, 2024

Black holes are where God divided by zero. ―Albert Einstein



But just why is everything impermanent and in constant change? The answer has to do with what might be called the flip-side of anicca: pratityasamutpada, or, technically, “interdependent origination.” 
More simply: everything changes because everything is interrelated. Everything comes into being and continues in being through and with something else.  
Nothing, Buddha came to see, has its own existence. 
In fact, when he wanted to describe the human self, or the self/identity of anything, the term he used was anatta, which means literally no-self. We are not “selves” in the sense of individual, separate, independent “things.” Rather, we are constantly changing because we are constantly interrelating (or being interrelated).


—Paul F. Knitter


Some of the difficulty with quantum mechanics has to reside in the problem of coming to terms with the simple fact that there is no such thing as information in and of itself independent of the apparatus necessary to its perception. There were no starry skies prior to the first sentient and ocular being to behold them. 
Before that all was blackness and silence.
And yet it moved.

—Cormac McCarthy
The Passenger


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