Saturday, June 22, 2024

strange creature



In the deeps are the violence and terror of which psychology has warned us. But if you ride these monsters down, if you drop with them farther over the world’s rim, you find what our sciences cannot locate or name, the substrate, the ocean or matrix or ether which buoys the rest, which gives goodness its power for good, and evil its power of evil, the unified field: our complex and inexplicable caring for each other, and for our life together here. 

This is given. It is not learned.

—Annie Dillard
Teaching A Stone To Talk


In quiet moments in my study, or outdoors, this deeper voice convinced me that the prospects are bleak unless we can once again relate to the Earth not as a thing or as a machine, but as a strange creature that improvises it’s own unfolding in the cosmos through the ongoing creativity of evolution and self-transformation.

—Stephan Harding
Animate Earth


O human, see then the human being rightly; the human being has heaven and earth and the whole of creation in itself, and yet is a complete form, and everything is already present, though hidden.

—Hildegarde of Bingen


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