Monday, June 3, 2024

what if

Vegetable fields in Wonosobo, Indonesia


All day I have been reading about the invisible world, the one that’s always trying to reach us. 

What if we could hear the small round o’s of dirt, the chant of stars and plants, carbon and sulphur, calling to each other, innumerable to innumerable, 
a throat at every blade of grass.

—Ellery Akers
Night: Volcano, California,excerpt


No permanence is ours; we are a wave 
That flows to fit whatever form it finds: 
Through day or night, cathedral or cave 
We pass forever, craving form that binds.
—Hermann Hesse
from “Lament” in The Glass Bead Game
Clara and Richard Winston version


Although from the beginning 
I knew
the world is impermanent,
not a moment passes
when my sleeves are dry.

Sky Above, Great Wind


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