Friday, June 28, 2024

you are that which has the infinite potential to love, yet, you cling to your imagined personality —NM



As we awaken from sleep, our consciousness undergoes a radical transformation composed of dramatic adjustments in neural processes. 
Some neural circuits go quiet while others come online. The entire orchestration of the symphony of mind unfolds like changes in a music score, and while there is no single, master conductor, the decentralized process does have hot spots of top-down modulation linked by connections built over evolutionary time. 

These "command centers,” for lack of a more accurate but succinct term, do one thing really well: They create our sense of self, our sense of being a protagonist in a continuously unfolding nonlinear narrative through which we can travel again and again in our memories and plan possible and even impossible futures.

—Antonio Damasio
Self Comes to Mind 


It is by the action of consciousness becoming aware of itself that intelligence manifests itself, not when consciousness apprehends an inert object.

The one Self perceives itself within itself as the infinite consciousness. Taste the pure consciousness, which is, in truth, the very essence of all that exists, by resolutely renouncing objectivity of consciousness (all the concepts and precepts) and contemplating the changeless consciousness which is infinite.

Know that you are the essence of consciousness.

Be firmly established in this wisdom and discard the impure notion of ego-sense from your heart. When the pure heart contemplates the infinite space of consciousness, which is the source of all bliss and which is within easy reach of all, it rests in the Supreme Self.

—Yoga Vasistha
The Supreme Yoga



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