Tuesday, July 23, 2024




The human skin is an artificial boundary: the world wanders into it, 

and the self wanders out of it, traffic is two-way and constant. 

—Bernard Wolfe 


We all tend to see our bodies as ‘frozen sculptures’ – solid, fixed, material objects, when in truth they are more like rivers, constantly changing, flowing patterns of intelligence.

Your adipose tissue (fat cells) fill up with fat and empty out constantly, so that all of it is exchanged every three weeks.

You acquire a new stomach lining every five days. Your skin is new every five weeks. Your skeleton, seeming so solid and rigid, is entirely new every three months.

You appear to be the same outwardly, yet you are like a building whose bricks are constantly being replaced by new ones. Every year, fully 98 percent of the atoms and molecules in your body are replaced.

To change the printout of the body, we must learn to rewrite the software of the mind.

—Deepak Chopra


Prior to the advent of brain, there was no color and no sound in the universe, nor was there any flavor or aroma and probably rather little sense and no feeling or emotion. 

Before brains the universe was also free of pain and anxiety.

—Roger Sperry


The brain is silent, the brain is dark, the brain tastes nothing, the brain hears nothing. All it receives are electrical impulses—not the sumptuous chocolate melting sweetly, not the tingling caress, not the pastels of peach and lavender at sunset over a coral reef—just impulses.

—Diane Ackerman
A Natural History of the Senses 


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