Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Universe as we know it is a joint product of the observer and the observed. —Teilhard de Chardin


Hendy Mp 


If the universe is non-local at a sub-quantum level, that means that reality is ultimately a seamless web, and it is only our own idiosyncrasies that direct us to divide it up into such arbitrary categories as mind and body. Thus, consciousness cannot be considered fundamentally separate from matter, any more than life can be considered as fundamentally separate from non-life.

—David Bohm


Like two birds of golden plumage, inseparable companions, the individual self and the immortal Self are perched on branches of the selfsame tree. The former tastes of the sweet and bitter fruits of the tree; the latter, tasting of neither, calmly observes. 

―The Upanishads

Cannot you see clearly that everything that appears to happen happens in consciousness? 

It is all imaginary, a temporary hallucination. 

Don’t be led astray, none of it reflects your true state.



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