Wednesday, July 3, 2024

two sides of water



You cannot see That which is the Seer of seeing;
you cannot hear That which is the Hearer of hearing;
you cannot think of That which is the Thinker of thought;
you cannot know That which is the Knower of knowledge. 

This is your Self, that is within all;
everything else but This is perishable.

—The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad



a single cell
found that it was full of light
and for the first time there was seeing

I was a bird
I could see where the stars had turned
and I set out on my journey

in the head of a mountain goat
I could see across a valley
under the shining trees something moving

in the green sea
I saw the two sides of the water
and swam between them

look at you
in the first light of the morning
for as long as I can

—W. S. Merwin




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