Time is only an idea. There is only the Reality.
Whatever you think it is, it looks like that. If you call it time, it is time. If you call it existence, it is existence, and so on. After calling it time, you divide it into days and nights, months, years, hours, minutes, etc.
Time is immaterial for the Path of Knowledge.
But some of these rules and disciplines are good for beginners.
―Sri Ramana Maharshi
Since time is distance in space, time is memory on the structure of space. Without memory, there is no time.
Without time, there is no memory.
It then follows that the energy that we perceive as the material world must be information, or energy on the structure of space.
—Nassim Haramein
Time moves in one direction, memory another.
We are that strange species that constructs artifacts intended to counter the natural flow of forgetting.
—William Gibson
Distrust That Particular Flavor
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