Thursday, February 27, 2025

in your body lies a priceless gem —Rumi



Grace is always present. 
You imagine it is something somewhere high in the sky, far away, and has to descend. It is really inside you, in your Heart, and the moment you effect subsidence or merger of the mind into its Source, grace rushes forth, sprouting as from a spring within you.

—Ramana Maharshi


Images, however sacred they may be, retain the attention outside, whereas at the time of prayer the attention must be within - in the heart. 

The concentration of attention in the heart - this is the starting point of prayer.

—Saint Theophan the Recluse


Parting is one of the exactions
of a Mortal Life.
It is bleak - like Dying
but occurs more times.

To escape the former,
some invite the last.
The Giant in the Human Heart
was never met outside.

—Emily Dickinson
New poems of Emily Dickinson


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