Friday, May 31, 2024

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. —Carl Jung



There are three states only, the waking, dream and sleep. Turiya is not a fourth one; it is what underlies these three. But people do not readily understand it. Therefore it is said that this is the fourth state and the only Reality. In fact it is not apart from anything, for it forms the substratum of all happenings; it is the only Truth; it is your very Being. The three states appear as fleeting phenomena on it and then sink into it alone. Therefore they are unreal.

—Ramana Maharishi
Talks with Ramana


So what can they tell us,
the writers of dreambooks,
the scholars of oneiric signs and omens,
the doctors
with couches for analyses—
if anything fits,
it’s accidental,
and for one reason only,
that in our dreamings,
in their shadowings and gleamings,
in their multiplings, inconceivablings,
in their haphazardings and widescatterings at times
even a clear-cut meaning may slip through.

—Wisława Szymborska
Dreams, excerpt
Clare Cavanaugh and Stanisław Barańczak version


We have seen so much.

Reality has almost used us up ...

—Tomas Tranströmer
Windows and Stones


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