Friday, May 31, 2024

you are that



Maharaj: There are many persons who have a great attachment to their own individuality. They want first and foremost to remain as an individual and then search, for they are not prepared to lose that individuality. While retaining their identity, they want to find out what is the truth. But in this process, you must get rid of the identity itself.  

If you really find out what you are, you will see that you are not an individual, you are not a person, you are not a body. And people who cling to their body identity are not fit for this knowledge.

The names and forms that appear, with different colors and all that, their origin is water. But nobody says I'm water, they say I am the body. But if you see the origin of the body then ultimately the body has appeared only from water. All these plants and everything, all name and forms, they appear from water only. But still people don't identify themselves with water; they say I am the body.

—Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
The Ultimate Medicine, Dialogues


From the waters everything is made,
both what is manifest and what is Unmanifest. 

Therefore, all manifestation (murti) is water. 

—Prasna Upanishad 1.4-5


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