Thursday, July 18, 2024




It is every intelligent man's experience ... wrong-doing recoils on the doer sooner or later. Why is this so? 
Because the Self is one in all.

When seeing others you are only seeing yourself in their shapes. 'Love they neighbor as thyself' means that you should love him because he is your Self.

—Ramana Maharshi
S. S. Cohen, 15th August, 1948


The picture of names and forms, the one who sees, the cohesive screen, and the pervading light – all these are he, who is oneself.

If oneself is a form, the world and God will be likewise; if oneself is not a form, who can see their forms? How? 

Can the seen be otherwise than the eye? 

The eye is oneself, the infinite eye.

Without a body, is there a world? 

Leaving the body, is there anyone who has seen a world?

The world is a form of five sense-impressions, not anything else. Those five sense-impressions are impressions to the five sense organs. Since the mind alone perceives the world by way of the five sense organs, is there a world besides the mind?

—Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi


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