Thursday, July 18, 2024

the curve of one position



God illumines the mind and shines within it.

One cannot know God by means of the mind. 

One can but turn the mind inwards and merge it in God.

If you believe that God will do all the things that you want Him to do, then surrender yourself to Him.

Otherwise let God alone, and know yourself. 

—Ramana Maharshi


Be aware that the two paths of jnana (knowledge) and bhakti (devotion) are inseparably related. 
Therefore, without separating one from the other through the delusion that they are different, practice both simultaneously and harmoniously in your heart.

—Sri Ramana Maharshi


The heart can think of no devotion 
Greater than being shore to ocean 
Holding the curve of one position, 
Counting an endless repetition.

—Robert Frost


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